Tuesday 22 December 2015

Wales tourism industry opposes Visit Britain’s merger with Visit England

An organisation which represents all sectors of the tourism industry in Wales is calling for a proposed merger between its English counterpart and Visit Britain to be scrapped.

The Wales Tourism Alliance (WTA) has written to John Whittingdale, the Westminster Government’s minister for culture, media and sport, asking him to reconsider the Visit England merger proposal. The letter has been copied to Ken Skates, Wales’ deputy minister for culture, tourism and sport.

WTA chairman Adrian Barsby (pictured) has called on the minister to reflect on a Select Committee recommendation that there should be “clearer delineation of the respective roles of Visit Britain and Visit England”.

In his letter, Mr Barsby states that the WTA has always been assured that Visit Britain is even handed in its promotion of the England, Wales and Scotland, yet there are views within the industry that its focus is London centric.

“Having worked in the industry in Wales for 22 years, I can say with complete certainty that this is the feeling of most of the nation’s tourism businesses,” he adds. “If Visit England were to be subsumed into Visit Britain, this feeling is bound to increase and indeed it is likely to have more substance.

“The position of the representatives from Wales and other countries on a Visit Britain board, which is also responsible for tourism development in England, would be invidious. It is important that Visit Britain has a clear and unambiguous Britain-wide remit and if this is compromised it could lead to tensions with potentially wide ramifications.”


For more information please contact either Adrian Barsby, Wales Tourism Alliance chairman, on Tel: 01352 741998 or 07921 787668.

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