Tuesday 12 January 2016

Remembering for Peace exhibition at National Library

A Remembering for Peace exhibition takes place at The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth from January 16 to April 9.

This exhibition tells the story of the WW1 Book of Remembrance, the stories behind some of the names in it, and how it has been used in remembering for peace.

The Welsh National Book of Remembrance for the First World War holds the names of 35,000 servicemen and women who gave their lives in the war. The book will be displayed alongside a new digital copy and, for the first time ever, visitors will have the chance to explore it and research the names listed.

The exhibition will also begin to explore further themes of the Wales for Peace project, in particular the key question: in the hundred years since the First World War, how has Wales contributed to the search for peace?

Martin Pollard, chief executive of the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, said: “The National Library of Wales is one of the key partners in the Wales for Peace project and they have been instrumental in bringing the Book of Remembrance to the attention of a wider audience than ever before.
“Working together on the ‘Remembering for Peace’ exhibition means the book and its history are accessible to the public for the first time and that it can be displayed alongside a searchable digital copy created by the library. We’re delighted to have this opportunity to make such an important record available to communities across Wales.”

Linda Tomos, national librarian at The National Library of Wales, said: “I am very pleased that the National Library has been able to support both the exhibition and the ground-breaking work of digitising the Book of Remembrance. Both will ensure that we continue to honour the sacrifice of those named in the book and re-tell their individual stories.”

The National Library of Wales is eager to find further information about some of the names which appear in the National Book of Remembrance, such as Private Trevor Lewis, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Trevor was born in Aberystwyth and attended the County School/Ardwyn School, Aberystwyth. He was appointed as a trainee librarian at The National Library of Wales in August 1912.

On October 27, 1915 he left the library to join the Royal Army Medical Corps and was badly injured in France on August 8, 1916. He was transferred to Hampstead Hospital but died on September 20 at the age of 20.

His funeral was the first in Aberystwyth resulting from the Great War and the story was reported in the Cambrian News: “Being the first local funeral of a hero from the front, considerable interest was taken and there was general manifestation of sorrow, the streets being lined along the route and the blinds of houses and businesses were drawn.”

He was buried in the town cemetery.

The National Library of Wales is holding an Open Day for community groups on Saturday, January 30. Visitors will be given a preview of the exhibition and a chance to transcribe the book and to find out more about using and creating online resources on the theme of war and peace.
To book one of a limited number of places for the Open Day visit walesforpeace.org, email: walesforpeace@wcia.org.uk or phone 029 2082 1051.


Notes to the Editor:

Wales for Peace is a Welsh Centre for International Affairs project and the exhibition and transcription initiative is developed in conjunction with the National Library of Wales. Wales for Peace is a four-year project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and supported by 10 partners including the National Library for Wales, Aberystwyth, Cardiff universities and movements such as the Urdd and Cymdeithas y Cymod. The project is forward-looking in stimulating debate around issues of peace for the benefit of future generations.
www.walesforpeace.org Caerdydd / Cardiff 029 20821051 Bangor 01248 672104

Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 Commemoration Programme.
The Wales for Peace project forms part of the official Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 Commemoration Programme, led by the First Minister’s Expert Adviser on the First World War, Prof Sir Deian Hopkin.

Further information: Elin-Hâf 01970 632471 or post@llgc.org.uk

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