Tuesday 17 May 2016

Free wine for vineyard customers to celebrate English Wine Week

Kerry Vale Vineyard near Montgomery is offering a free wine tasting to their customers to celebrate English and Welsh Wine Week.

Free tastings will be available from Saturday, May 28 to June 5 (excluding Monday, May, 30t) during café opening hours at Kerry Vale Vineyard’s wine café just. No pre booking is necessary, just call in at Kerry Vale Vineyards cafe. You must be 18 or older to participate in this event.

Customers will be able to sample and enjoy six award winning Kerry Vale Vineyard wines with every meal purchased.

During English Wine Week, which runs from May 28 to June 5, vineyards and outlets across the country will be highlighting English wines, including offering an opportunity to taste and get to know them better.

Riding high on the success of 2015, which saw an impressive growth in sales and widespread media coverage, 2016 looks set to be an action-packed year for English wine. High-profile events include the ninth International Cool Climate Symposium (ICCWS) hosted by the UK wine industry, which takes place in Brighton from May 26-28.

Julia Trustram Eve, marketing director at English Wine Producers* (EWP), whose members represent some 80% of volume produced in the UK, said: “English wines have really captured people’s attention. English wine producers are so much more proactive now, both collectively and individually, with an increased presence at consumer and trade events across the country.
“The momentum has really been gathering and after last year’s unprecedented press coverage, international awards and exciting developments within the industry, 2016 looks set to be an eventful one for English wine.”

Kerry Vale Vineyard is a small, English vineyard situated on the Welsh border with rural Shropshire. Planted in 2010, the vineyard covers six acres of farmland and resides at the eastern tip of the Vale of Kerry.  

Many passionate English and Welsh wine producers are keen to  show off their  high quality wine which is now competing with and beating the best in the world.  To see what other vineyards are doing visit: www.englishwineweek.co.uk and www.winetrailwales.co.uk/


For more information contact Nadine Roach at Kerry Vale Vineyard on Tel: 01588 620627.

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