Monday 14 November 2016

Adventurous sleepover planned in abandoned Welsh slate mine in 201

The abandoned workings of an old Welsh slate mine will create an unusual backdrop for a sleepover and adventurous 21-hour escorted trip through a virtual time capsule on February 18 and 19 next year.
Building upon the success of the inaugural underground sleepover earlier this year, which took place during the Welsh Year of 
Adventure, the old Braich Goch Slate Mine at Corris, near Machynlleth is offering six intrepid explorers a unique opportunity to spend the night in the virtually untouched abandoned workings. 

On this unique after-hours experience, adventurers will enter parts of the mine which are not normally visited. The six explorers will have to tackle ledges, climbs and scrambles to venture deep into the mine. 

Led by Corris Mine Explorers, this underground sleepover will explore areas of the mine first worked in 1836, when it first opened and right up to the 1970s, when the doors finally closed.  Explorers will discover miles of tunnels and gigantic chambers, find mining paraphernalia and hear authentic and shocking stories of mining life.

In a large, disused chamber, hot drinks and snacks will be served before candles out.  A final exploration will take place the following morning before emerging above ground for a full Welsh breakfast in the adjoining Y Crochan Café. 

The sleepover adventure will kick off with a three-course evening meal in Y Crochan café at the Corris Craft Centre. To book or to find out more, contact Mark Waite at Corris Mine Explorers on Tel: 01650 511720 or email

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