Wednesday 20 May 2015

The Drover’s lost his Sheep! at the Judge’s Lodging

The Judge’s Lodging in Presteigne is celebrating the final days of its popular ‘Farming Memories of East Radnorshire’ exhibition this half term with some great family farm fun.

Kids can take ‘The Drover’s lost his Sheep!’ trail around the judge’s apartments and court, hunting for Drover Jim’s yellow sheep, lost in amongst flocks of multi-coloured beasts.

The little woolly escapees are illustrated by local artist Matt Davies, who has worked with The Judge’s Lodging on several exhibitions and sheep of all colours will prove a real challenge in finding the right ones!  There’s a yummy prize for any young person finding the special Rainbow Sheep hidden in the house too.

This trail is part of the Judge’s Lodging’s new Family Activity Programme, which will see crafts, trails and much more through each school break. With the museum’s Gift Aid scheme, it means that visitors who come and pay their admission charge as a donation will get a ticket that lets them come back as many times as they like for a whole year. People buying the annual ticket will help the museum by gift-aiding and they will be able to enjoy all it has to offer for the rest of the year.

On Wednesday, May 27, the Judge’s Lodging is also looking for helping hands to sort out hundreds of farm toys that have recently been donated to the museum. All the toys were once love and played with by a British boy, who has grown up to become a farmer in New Zealand.

Staff need lots of little hands who can sort the animals, tractors and farm buildings out to help them create a giant farm scene, which will be photographed and sent to their former owner as a thank you.

Children who led a hand will also find out a little more about what museums do when things are given to them, how they check them, write about them and store them. Just turn up at The Judge’s Lodging between 10.30am and 12pm on May 27 to lend a hand. The Create a Giant Farm Scene event is free of charge.

The ‘Farming Memories of East Radnorshire’ exhibition runs until May 31, a visit to which offers a chance to hear dozens of snippets from interviews talking about the last 100 years of farming, loads of farm implements and photographs.

The Judge’s Lodging is open from Tuesday to Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday.


For further information, please contact Gabrielle Rivers, Senior Museum Curator, on Tel: 01544 260650, Email:

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