Monday 23 November 2015

Let Powis Castle provide the perfect antidote to ‘Black Friday’

A stroll around the spectacular illuminated garden at Powis Castle, Welshpool is guaranteed to brighten up even the darkest of winter nights.

Wander along the magical terraces and see the Yew tumps rise spectacularly from the darkness. Marvel at our lit lead statues dancing in the spotlights and our picturesque castle floating majestically above a sea of colour.

The illuminated garden event provides a unique opportunity to experience the unfamiliar sights and sounds of Powis Castle after dark. Visit this spectacle between November 27-29, December 4-6 and 11-13 from 5pm to 8.30pm, with last entry at 7.30pm.

The castle will also be open until 8pm on each of the evenings, decked out in all the splendour of an Edwardian family Christmas. Visitors will see beautiful decorations and chandeliers glinting in the candlelight to get them in the festive spirit!

The castle’s Christmas shop and restaurant and will remain open until 8pm. The cost of the visit is: Garden only: adults £5.20, children £2.60, free to National Trust members. Castle and garden: adults £6.70, children £3.35, free to National Trust members.


Notes for Editors:

Powis Castle facts: 

Powis Castle began life as the medieval fortress of the Welsh princes of Powys, who held on to their kingdom despite the threats of their more powerful neighbours in Gwynedd and England.
In 1587, Powis was sold to Sir Edward Herbert who created the romantic long gallery which is richly decorated with the coats of arms of his ancestors.
The first Marquess of Powis was forced into exile in 1668 due to his loyalty to the deposed King James II.
In 1784, the marriage of Lady Henrietta Herbert and Edward Clive, son of Robert Clive, the conqueror of India, combined the Powis and Clive estates.
In the early 20th century, the 4th Earl of Powis and his wife, Lady Violet, redecorated much of the castle and brought the garden back to life, introducing new varieties from all over the world.

National Trust

The National Trust was founded in 1895 to care for places of historic interest or natural beauty. In Wales it cares for over 45,000 hectares of countryside, 140 miles of coastline as well as some of the finest castles and gardens.
The trust is the largest conservation organisation in Europe, supported by four million members, 100,000 of whom live in Wales. As a charity it relies on membership subscriptions, gifts and other voluntary support to meet its £148 million annual conservation and maintenance costs.
The trust’s properties have unique legal protection “inalienability” – they cannot ever be sold or mortgaged without permission of Parliament.

For further information please contact Ruth Scutter on 01938 551929. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter @NTPowisCastle 2. 

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