Wednesday 29 June 2016

Shropshire border vineyard scoops two awards at UKs national wine competition


Kerry Vale Vineyard is celebrating for a third year running after winning two awards in this year’s UK wine industry national competition.

The vineyard, located near Montgomery, won a silver award for its ‘Shropshire Lady’ (also known as Solaris) Dry white wine and a bronze award for ‘Summer Days’ medium white wine at the UK Vineyard Association’s (UKVA) prestigious national competition. 

Organised and run by the UKVA and for a second year sponsored by Waitrose, the competition is an opportunity for producers of all sizes from across England and Wales to compete against each other. The wines were judged over two days at Llanerch Vineyard near Cardiff by a team of five Masters of Wine and marked to international professional standards.  

Chaired by David Bird, the judging panel comprised Robin Crameri, Rebecca Hull, Angela Muir and Patricia Stefanowicz.

Kerry Vale Vineyard owner June Ferguson said: “We are thrilled to have won two awards. It makes all the hard work we do maintaining the vines worthwhile. Last year we won 12 international and national medals, so we are hoping these are the first of many more in 2016.” 

Mr Bird was impressed by the standard of entries.  “The high level of medals achieved is a measure of the high standard that winemaking in the UK has reached,” he said.

Barry Lewis, UKVA’s chief executive, said: “This year’s high number of entrants reflects a growing confidence within the industry. I'm delighted with the results and pleased that the judges noted the overall consistency of quality.”

People wishing to try Kerry Vale Vineyard’s award winning wine can visit the shop and wine café or they can book a vineyard tour and tasting to find out how the vines are grown and maintained to achieve the best quality grapes. Visit 

Picture caption:  

Kerry Vale Vineyard’s owners Geoff and June Ferguson with customer service assistant Nikita Mullard-Davies (centre)

Notes to Editors: 

The English & Welsh Wine of the Year Competition is organised by the United Kingdom Vineyards Association. With around 380 vineyards in the UK, producing two million bottles per year, English and Welsh wine is becoming ever popular. In fact, with soil similar to the champagne region in France and an edgier climate, British Sparkling Wines have been beating the best champagnes in blind tasting competitions internationally.   
About Kerry Vale Vineyard
Kerry Vale Vineyard is a small, family run, English vineyard situated on the Welsh / English border of rural Shropshire. Planted in 2010 and covering six acres of farmland, the vineyard resides at the eastern tip of the Kerry Vale, an area of outstanding natural beauty and just three miles south of the charming town of Montgomery. 

Kerry Vale Vineyard is home to 6,000 vines in three varieties - Rondo, Pheonix and Solaris - all ideally suited for the UK climate. Spaced at 1.2m in rows 2.3m apart, there are 62 rows with a combined length from the first vine to the last of just under 13 kilometres or approximately eight miles! 

The vineyard is dedicated to producing wines of only the highest quality, utilising time honoured viticulture practices to produce the best possible fruit. We have selected disease resistant varieties which keeps spraying to a minimum and we pay a great deal of attention to canopy management, maximising air flow and sun and light exposure to suit the season. Our grapes produce red, white and rosé still wines and sparkling wine. 

Media Contact: Nadine Roach T: 01588 620627  

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