Wednesday 20 April 2016

Friday deadline for employers and learners to enter VQ Awards in Wales

Time is running out for businesses and learners across Wales to enter this year’s Vocational Qualification (VQ) Awards as the closing date of noon on Friday, April 22 fast approaches.

The awards are organised by the Welsh Government, the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) and CollegesWales.

There are three award categories – employer of the year, intermediate learner of the year and higher level learner of the year. The intermediate award is for learners with qualifications up to level three, while the higher award is for qualifications from level four upwards.

The VQ Learner Awards recognise learners who clearly demonstrate progression and excellence in vocational studies and have made considerable achievements in their field. The VQ Employer Award focuses on employers who promote the value of vocational qualifications in the workplace and make a real contribution to improving the skills and national competitiveness.

Now in their ninth consecutive year, the awards coincide with VQ Day on June 8, a celebration of vocational qualifications for students, teachers, training providers and employers.

From the nominations received, three finalists in each category will be shortlisted and announced in early May. The winners will be revealed at an awards ceremony on the evening of June 7 at St David’s Hotel and Spa, Cardiff, the day before VQ Day. For more information about the awards and to download an application form please visit

Jenine Gill, director of Llantrisant-based Little Inspirations, winner of the 2015 VQ Employer of the Year Award, is encouraging employers and learners across Wales to put their names forward this year.

“You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain and it’s a chance to receive some appreciation and recognition for the hard work you do,” she said. “If your company is investing in people and providing top quality services, then get your nomination in.

“For learners, if you have an inspirational story to tell about your learning journey which has brought you success, then the awards are for you.”

Little Inspirations, established 14 years ago, has children’s nurseries in Llantrisant, Rhydyfelin and Barry. The company is recognised as an Investors in People, a lifelong learning centre and the Llantrisant nursery has been identified as sector leading by Estyn.

Jenine, who is dyslexic and left school with minimum GCSEs, is passionate about vocational learning as a pathway to fulfilling the true potential of her staff to provide the optimum standard of care to children attending the nurseries. Every member of staff has either completed or is engaged in an Apprenticeship.

Learning providers across Wales are being encouraged to organise regional events to celebrate VQ Day and engage with learners of all ages. Vocational qualifications have never been more important to the economy and the individual, as they deliver the trained, talented employees that businesses are crying out for and ensure young people have the skills needed to succeed in education and work.

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