Friday 15 April 2016

Unique opportunity to micro-volunteer on-line with the National Library of Wales

Would you like to volunteer and contribute to a good cause, but don’t have the time for a regular volunteering role? If so, have you considered micro-volunteering?

Tomorrow, Friday, April 15, is Micro-volunteering Day and the Cynefin project, based at The National Library of Wales is looking for people to take a couple of minutes out of their day to make a difference.

The Cynefin project is digitising the tithe maps of Wales and is looking for volunteers to help transcribe and georeference these historic maps from the 1840s on-line. The crowdsourcing project already has more than 700 volunteers based all over the world.

Cynefin’s project manager, Einion Gruffudd said: “The beauty of this volunteering role is that there is no commitment; you can do as much or as little as you like, as and when you can, from the comfort of your own home.”

The micro-volunteering tasks on the website can be done at a time and pace which suits each individual. By giving just 10 minutes of your time you can help contribute towards Wales’ heritage and the nation’s collective memory.

Following the project, the tithe maps will be freely available and accessible to all online. The work carried out by volunteers will make the 1,200 tithe maps and the 30,000 pages of associated historical documents fully searchable in innovative ways.

The documents contain names of landowners, land occupiers and field names and will be a valuable resource for anyone researching their family history or local history.

So remember, if you’ve got 10 minutes to spare this Friday, your contribution can go a long way!

Further information from Einion Gruffudd: 01970 632 842 or
Carys Evans: 01970 632 416


Notes for editor:

• The Cynefin: Mapping Wales’ sense of Place project is run by a partnership led by Archives Wales, and also includes the National Library of Wales and People’s Collection Wales. The majority of its funding comes from the Heritage Lottery Fund; the project is also supported by the Welsh Government through the Museums, Archives and Libraries Division, the National Library of Wales and Archives Wales.

• Cynefin was launched in November 2014. To find out more visit the website:; follow Cynefin on twitter @CynefinProject, or contact or 01970 632 416.

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